Get a pair and stop bleating!
Published on August 25, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

*edit (This article contains extensive use of the word "fuck".  Also you can add typos to my list of fuck-ups at the bottom)    

     There was a discussion ongoing here between myself and another blogger here regarding whether or not your job is responsible for your actions.

     Let me make this clear : No one is responsible for anything you do but YOU. Not in the slightest. Want to differ? Get institutionalized or volunteer for Euthanization because you do not qualify to be a member of society.

     The people at work drink? Great. Either drink or don't. They fuck women other than their wives? Ok. Cheat or don't. Be a fucking Man or a mouse. Nothing else to it. Anything else is pure cowardice and less than human. Blame anyone but yourself for your fucking problems and you no longer qualify as a sentient.


     Own up or fuck right off. No excuses for you or anyone else. You did it or you didn't. They did or they didn't. Nothing else enters into it.

     My list of fuckups? Fine :

I drink. A LOT.

I eat. A TON.

I am lazy. I don't exercise EVER.

I obsess over things because it is a form of escape from MY RESPONSIBILITIES. I do it. Not you, not my job, not my wife, and not my parents.

I have no degree. See above. It is NOT the Army's fault.

Feel free to own your own flaws in the comments. It's liberating.



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Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 03, 2005
Yes !!!!!!!!! if every one took responsibility for their own action, well dang what would this world become ?? WOW what a thought ! hehehe

I'm a bitch , Not my husband, not my kids ME
I over react to things
I jump to conclusions ( oh wait thats kind like above huh?)

I can't think of them all but I know I have plenty of flaws, and you know what when I screw up I take responsibility for it! and I'm not above going back to who ever or what ever and take responsibility for my actions or lack of or what ever.
on Sep 03, 2005
Doris (anon):
I'm a bitch

Must suck to be you. Since it's your fault...your responsibility, why choose to be the kind of woman that others avoid and roll their eyes at? Why do you choose to be unkind, hateful, screeching, overreacting, and moody (which are some of the many traits that the horrid label "bitch" implies)?

It's all well and good to own up to our faults, but at what point do we stop wearing our vices as a badge of courage ("at least I admit it") and begin to actually remedy ourselves of them?
on Sep 04, 2005

but at what point do we stop wearing our vices as a badge of courage ("at least I admit it") and begin to actually remedy ourselves of them?

Can't really start doing that until they are out in the open.

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