Not only have I been negelecting to blog for the
weeks since returningto the states but I was also negelcting to even keep up
with all the Blogs on my blogroll. That sorry state of affairs has now been
corrected thankfully.
Some were easy like Talisein who simply can't be
bothered to update now that he is a high and mighty civilian. (ah sanctimony is
even better when seasoned liberally with essence of hypocrisy)
Others tooks me a bit to dig through either for the
volume of the written word or the emotional depth of their contents like LifeHappens, Pseudosoldier, Chiprj, Xtine, and Dharmagirl...
Of course I was keeping up with Estrogen Lass's blog even before
I feel as though I have had a good workout. Tired
yet rewarded. I had to try and type quietly and not laugh out loud as I read
since my roommate is sleeping off a horrible sunburn he got while learning to
surf in Galveston this weekend.
It is good to be back.