Published on May 13, 2005 By greywar In Personal Relationships

     The LTC isn't feeling very loved lately so he has taken to coming into the the TOC and demanding that we watch whatever he likes on TV. The man has his own room with his own TV in it. You want to watch a Hajji copy of "The Pacifier"? Fine, watch that shit in YOUR OWN GODDAMN ROOM! It isn't our fault you have no friends.

     Arrgh... the man is pathetic...


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on May 13, 2005
Sounds like a real good way to win friends and influence people. Is he smart enough to get a pickle out of a jar?
on May 13, 2005
That's wrong...... but isn't that typical behaviour for brass?
on May 13, 2005

but isn't that typical behaviour for brass?

Well not *all* of them really...

on May 13, 2005

lots of cheap draft beer?

oh we only wish...

on May 13, 2005
proceed to fart, belch, pick your noses, scratch your private places, and just generally be gross.

Crop dusting for the win! We used to do it at SUSLAK to one of the guys we couldn't stand. It was a rule, if you had to fart, you made every effort to crop dust Fuzzy (our nickname for the guy).
on May 13, 2005

Crop dusting for the win!

I would have thought that your incessant time-checking would have done him in...

on May 13, 2005
kimchi and cigarettes.....that'll do the trick.

You want to watch a Hajji copy of "The Pacifier"?

If that's his taste in movies, no wonder he doesn't have any friends..........
on May 27, 2005
What a twat, a LTC should put you guys first (after all you're the ones doing the dirty work), obviously your officers have different values.