No *you* go...
Published on May 11, 2005 By greywar In Politics

     It makes me wince every time my lily-white Commander uses the term "girlfriend" in the "You go Girlfriend!" context. Why? Because he only says it when he is talking to black soldiers. I know that he only does this because he is acutely self-conscious about his palpable lack of "cool" but it doesn't make it any more palatable.

     This sort of thing goes on all the time but since he is sitting right here in front of me and has said it no less than 10 times over the last 40 minutes of the excremental "American Idol" made me take note of this bit of inanity online. Welcome to Digital Immortality... ummm dawg.


Update : Sweet hopping Christ! He actually started trotting out "dawg" not one minute after I posted this. Here I thought I was exaggerating for comic effect.

Further Update : Apparently this is my 300th article... Not quite up to the standards of my other century mark articles but what the hey?

Site Meter
on May 11, 2005
Maye he is smarter than you think...maybe he had eyes in the back of his head and saw what you had written... Beware!
on May 11, 2005
Sounds like your typical "I wish I was cool" idiot to me.
on May 11, 2005

smarter than you think

Well he wouldn't have to be much smarter than your average lobotomized grape to meet that criterion

on May 11, 2005
Are you insulting grapes now?!
on May 11, 2005
Maye he is smarter than you think

on May 11, 2005
Giving a new meaning to the word "linguistic" with this one, eh?

Have they finalized the Ebonics DLPT yet? How about Jive?
on May 11, 2005
Wait, "You Go, Girlfriend!" is passe?

No wonder I don't have any friends in BDE!
on May 13, 2005
Hey, yo! Am I cool now?

Have they finalized the Ebonics DLPT yet? How about Jive?

Excuse me, stewardess, but I speak jive.
on May 14, 2005
Excuse me, stewardess, but I speak jive.


I mean: Fo sho.