Left goes farther off the cliff..
Published on March 12, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

     This should settle it. Of course some lunatics will insist that Bush bought off all of Italys or something equally senseless.

Mario Marioli, a deputy commander of the US-led coalition troops in Iraq, was quoted by the Italian newspaper La Repubblica as saying: "I asked Calipari if I should inform our American allies of the hostage-freeing operation, but his reply was that under no circumstances was the ally to be informed."


Update : Here is just what I expected to find on a DU thread discussing Sgrena herself admitting that she no longer believes that U.S. troops wanted to kill her.


A) She's histrionic or...
Someone "advised" her that she'd better adjust her story to the currently accepted paradigm.





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on Mar 12, 2005
I do wonder how the Italians will handle this since they hailed Calipari as a national hero not long ago.
on Mar 12, 2005
I wish I could have said I was wrong everytime I claimed someone was out to kill me! ;~D

The sad truth comes out. Sad that Calipari, after working so hard to secure the release, ended up a victim of his own shortsightness. Communication and coordination are everything!!
on Mar 12, 2005
What I wonder though is if the man who was killed would have wanted to avoid communication with the US if he knew it would result in his death.
on Mar 12, 2005

What I wonder though is if the man who was killed would have wanted to avoid communication with the US if he knew it would result in his death.

I am pretty sure he would have wished to live.

on Mar 13, 2005
The folks with their bristling antennae on perpetual high alert will stay all twitchy about this, but the only thing that made any sense, from the very beginning, was that it was an episode which fell well within the ROE but with a tragic and unanticipated outcome, one that might have been avoided. Now we know that the "mistakes" were made by Calipari himself - in not informing the guys with guns responsible for security on the airport road and in not following commands from competent authority at the scene. Unfortunately, we'll never know what his calculations may or may not have been. Given the way vehicles have been used against military & civilian targets, I'm glad the security guys were doing their job and sad they weren't given the benefit of forewarning, and puzzled by Calipari's apparent choices.

on Mar 13, 2005
I do wonder how the Italians will handle this since they hailed Calipari as a national hero not long ago.

He's was and is a hero because he threw himself on her to protect her. That it was necessary because farther back the timeline he made a dumb mistake doesn't detract from that, in my opinion. He could just as well have saved his own skin and let her take the hit.

I could speculate on why he didn't want to tell us, but it's irrelevant. He made a dumb mistake and it cost him. He did go out heroically, though.

on Mar 13, 2005
I suppose they will still see him as a hero for what he did to save Signora Sgrena, but it's doubtful they will look at him the same way now.
on Mar 13, 2005
I'm not actually too up on the events surrounding this post, but I have seen the anti-Bush mobs making comments about it.
I love it when things turn out to be not quite as bad for our side they might have hoped. Thanks for posting.
on Mar 13, 2005

I love it when things turn out to be not quite as bad for our side they might have hoped.

wow, color you an optimist!

on Mar 14, 2005

Update : Here is just what I expected to find on a DU thread discussing Sgrena herself admitting that she no longer believes that U.S. troops wanted to kill her.

These are the same ones that dont support the war, but support the troops, right? Uh, huh.

on Mar 15, 2005
wow, color you an optimist!

True blue, buddy-roo.
on Mar 15, 2005
Well thanks for posting this greywar. I dint check out the sites yet and i probably wont have time for it today, but it's good to know who's fault all this mess was.

I'm with the Fazz. Even if he did act heroically, people will know that he was the victim of his own mistake. He kind of falls from his pedestal...
on Mar 15, 2005
Even if he did act heroically, people will know that he was the victim of his own mistake. He kind of falls from his pedestal...

He gains respect from both sides. To those who honor his success at getting the journalist released, and how he used his own body to protect her, he is a hero.

To those who reserve respect for victims, he wins their hearts also.

A hero to all!! What more could he hope for!
on Mar 15, 2005
What more could he hope for!

Probably still being alive...