Radical Left Wails and Gnashes Teeth...
Published on March 11, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

     Gulf Daily News reports that Syria has begun withdrawing troops from Northern Lebanon as a result of international pressure led by the United States, France (yes France), and others. This should be heralded as a good thing but over at the Democratic Underground they are frantic to paint in any light that would avoid giving President Bush any credit for this let alone giving any credence to the Democratic Domino theory (Afghanistan then Iraq and so on..) Some examples...

A celebration of the recent Democracy wave sweeping the Middle East (2 quotes)

More like a nuclear MELT DOWN!
What is happening in the Mid-East right now is a very dangerous vision of thing that could come.
bu$h may be responsible for lighting the firecracker that ignited a nuclear war between centuries old waring factions.
The neo-cons may get their Armageddon after all and bu$h may as they wished be responsible


Bush hasn't done anything he said he wanted, including the democracy given as the latest in a series of fraudulent and flubbed goals. To call this vindication, to think that there is actually anything except death and distruction, despair and hate coming out of Bush policy, is to buy the sizzle and forget to pick up the steak.
It isn't real, it never will be, and no amount of press papering over reality will alter the facts.


    It would be funny if it wasn't sad. We need real political dissent over issues (it's only healthy that way) in the United States but this isn't it.

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