All that would be left is a crater
Published on March 8, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

Look folks if the U.S. Army wants someone dead as Sgrena insists we did, there would be no story here. Why? Because there would be no body leftover that’s why. No one would ever know she had been killed by anyone because the car she was in would have been reduced to nothing more than smoking rubble.

The Army would have targeted the car with a lot bigger weapons than a couple of soldiers with M-16’s. They would have used something like this:


or this:



or this.

Even assuming that the Army would be stupid enough to target someone they wanted dead with M-16’s they would have been easily able to finish the job by simply double tapping everyone in the vehicle after it stopped and burning the car afterwards.

While there may have been a ROE (Rules Of Engagement) violation here (although no one but Sgrena’s version of the event suggests there was) there is no way this was a “deliberate targeting” of Sgrena. If it had been she would be dead. End of story.

This is a clear-cut case of communication failure on someone’s part. Whether it was the Italian intelligence services or U.S. Command’s failure remains to be seen. What is not in doubt is the incredible heroism of the agent who shielded his charge with his own body and gave his life to save hers. I hate to see good men die due to negligence of command structures.


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on Mar 08, 2005
Or This:

Yes I think it was a result of poor communication and not deliberate. It's still sad.
on Mar 08, 2005
Because there would be no body leftover that’s why. No one would ever know she had been killed by anyone because the car she was in would have been reduced to nothing more than smoking rubble.

My thoughts exactly.

on Mar 08, 2005
My thoughts exactly.
I keep wondering why I am not hearing this rather obvious point made in the MSM?
on Mar 08, 2005
The episode is sad, but your comments are exactly right.  It amazes me that the kooks can dream up conspiracies when the truth is so plain and obvious.
on Mar 08, 2005
Great points!!

This was a very sad ending to what should have been a very happy one. I think the "lesson learned" here is, if you are driving in a highly volitile area, and you see a checkpoint with armed troops ahead of you, slow down and make your intentions known before proceeding. You may know who you are, but that doesn't mean the troops with the guns do.

This is a clear-cut case of communication failure on someone’s part. Whether it was the Italian intelligence services or U.S. Command’s failure remains to be seen. What is not in doubt is the incredible heroism of the agent who shielded his charge with his own body and gave his life to save hers.

This is a great and fitting tribute. Yes, Nicola Calipari did distinguish himself as the hero he was.
on Mar 08, 2005
killers showing off their toys

warms my heart

no really
on Mar 08, 2005


on Mar 08, 2005
Hello? McFly!!?!! Is this how you try justify the attempted murder of a woman? That if they really wanted her dead they would have used some over-the-top ridiculous-amount-of-firepower to kill her? Ha ha ha. They need it to look like a mistake you silly poophead. Hence the US lying about the warning lights and the warning shots. Why do American solutions always involve heavier firepower and more killing. Stupid. So dude, accept the fact your men over there are now murderers and hitmen for the powers that be. And you thought they were there to spread freedom and democracy. Bullshit.
on Mar 08, 2005
killers showing off their toys

You mean like this killer with gun?

No really!!

Couldn't resist!!! ;~D
on Mar 08, 2005
Hello? McFly!!?!! Is this how you try justify the attempted murder of a woman?

If a child dashes out in front on you on a busy street, and you slam on your breaks yet hit the child......

How long were you planning the murder?
on Mar 08, 2005
need it to look like a mistake you silly poophead.

{{{{Liberal Loony Loopy Luddite Alert}}}}}

And how are you against the war and supporting the troops again?
on Mar 08, 2005
Hello? McFly!!?!! Is this how you try justify the attempted murder of a woman? That if they really wanted her dead they would have used some over-the-top ridiculous-amount-of-firepower to kill her? Ha ha ha. They need it to look like a mistake you silly poophead.

And exactly how long was YOUR military service, Reiki? And how many tours in the Middle East did you get tasked to do?

You talk as if you have some insight into this, some inside information that the rest of us aren't privy to...even those of use who are actively serving this country in the 'hot zone' and who are therefore more likely to hear or see the actualities of the situation than you are.

So, where are you getting your information from?
on Mar 08, 2005
So dude, accept the fact your men over there are now murderers and hitmen for the powers that be. And you thought they were there to spread freedom and democracy. Bullshit.

So I guess your a rapist, simply because you have the means to be. Course, you have brain also, and I've yet to see evidence here that you've actually used it so... ;~D
on Mar 08, 2005
So, where are you getting your information from?

I'm guessing it's from his anti-US comrades. After all, the typical anti-US hate-monger thinks that the US military lost to the Vietcong because they were more militarily powerful and that even with all our power, we couldn't defeat them.
on Mar 08, 2005
I love it when reiki trots his stuff out.... I don't even have to comment on it as the incoherence and dsylogia speak for themselves.
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