It's my fat you bastards!
Published on March 3, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

          What happens when you are done with your honorable service in the military? Will you receive an honorable discharge? Certainly. Will you be eligible for veterans benefits? Of course you will be. Will you receive severance pay or a retirement parachute? Nope. Unless you are fat or out of shape that is. Sound stupid? You bet your ass it does.

          This might come as a shock to those who never have served or who only served one term but the military pays fat or out of shape soldiers a bonus when they are forcibly discharged. Now the bonus only applies to “mid-career” soldiers (those with more than 6 years in service) but when those soldiers exceed the weight and body fat percentage standards (like me) or can not pass 2 successive fitness tests (been there a couple times too) they are given a lump sum payment in addition to all the benefits I mentioned in the above paragraph regarding soldiers who simply separate normally after fulfilling all military requirements.

          That’s right you get all the benefits plus cash! Kind of seems like a slap in the face to the soldier who has kept his/her ass in shape for 10 years and has decided not to re-enlist doesn’t it?


In shape : ßnot me


          The separation bonus is calculated like this (latest reg I have access to but feel free to post an update if it is incorrect) : base_pay x years_served / 2 = bonus_cash (years_served maximum value = 12). Basically it means that the soldier gets between half a year to a full year’s salary on discharge. For an E-5 with 12 or more years served it works out to roughly : (2450 x 12)/2 = $14,700 (before taxes of course). Not  bad chunk of change compared to what one of his peers who served 12 years honorably and decides to get out would receive which is roughly : 0x0 = $0.

          How did it get this way you ask? Well it wasn’t always this way but at some point someone managed to convince the military that it wasn’t the soldier’s fault that they were fat or out of shape but rather that they should treat it as a sort of medical issue. Now mind you the military already had a system for soldiers who had legitimate medical problems that precluded further treatment. That formula is exactly double the one used for fat guys and lazy-asses.

 ß also not me but closer!


Let me clue you in folks… Want to know whose fault it is that I am fat and flabby? MINE! ALL MINE! I am a sessile sort of guy and I like it like that. I would rather play video games and blog than lift weights and I would also eat buffalo wings washed down with Thorian quantities of beer than eat tofu and soy milk.

Not that I would appreciate the cash mind you it is simply that I wouldn’t deserve it. Thanks for tryig to shoulder my responsibilities liberals but shouldn’t I lie in the bed I made (and drank bacon-fat Slurpees in) here?





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on Mar 03, 2005
Funny article, both from the way you wrote it and that the army does this. And are you sure that first picture isn't you?
on Mar 03, 2005
shouldn’t I lie in the bed I made (and drank bacon-fat Slurpees in) here?

urrgh... errrm...interesting, informative article.
on Mar 03, 2005
Great Article!! Now you see how the "Fat Cats" got so rich!! ;~D

The more things change, the more they stay the same!!

I started sharing an equally amusing anecdote concerning my variation of your theme, but it got a bit... shall we say, excessively weighty for a mere posting, so I thank you for being the inspiration for my latest article. I think we play off each other well, don't you? Link

on Mar 03, 2005
I totally agree, and I understand your predicament. I see folks who really should be on the 'fat boy' program daily...but since the AF changed it's policy, these folks are sliding by.
on Mar 03, 2005

see folks who really should be on the 'fat boy' program daily...but since the AF changed it's policy, these folks are sliding by.

What is the AF policy on this? (I have little insight there)

I think we play off each other well, don't you?

Indeed I do.. maybe today I will actually but your blog into my roll like I keep meaning to.... 

on Mar 03, 2005
Funniest blog you've written yet! Too bad that wasn't you in the first pic. Would have made my year in Texas WAY more interesting.
on Mar 03, 2005

Would have made my year in Texas WAY more interesting.

Thats more than I wanted to hear...

Funniest blog you've written yet!

wow, thats a pretty bold statement... Are you still writing yours? I stopped checking when you went onto Negrodamus' update schedule.

on Mar 04, 2005
All Hail The Food For Freedom Program! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
on Mar 04, 2005
Bacon-fat slurpee... mmm.

Who is that hotchick.jpg? I like her.
on Mar 04, 2005
I still have my "weigh-in" BDU's from the 80"s, all of the doubled reinforcements cut out, to include pockets, flaps, and knees. The sleeves had been cut and permanently sewn into the rolled position, and I had a complimentary pair of boots similarly modified.

It's not that I was fat, but this pre-dated the current body fat counts, pinch test, and various new methods utilized today. I'm just a big guy, and at 6'5", a 52in chest, and a 36 waist, there was no way I could fit into the old insurance scale that gave me an upper limit of 210lbs.

Hell, I gained 35lbs in Basic/0SUT ( 12B ) at my last weigh-in before ETS, I think I totalled somewhere around 260 - never failed a PT test, finally they started to tape my neck, waist and chest to defer my "overweight" status.

My special uniform gave me an extra 4 lbs, which could sometimes mean the difference between passing or failure...I won't even get into some of the other practices I wittnessed ( diuretics and exlax, ugh )

( Service 80 - 86 125th Engr Co, 218th Inf SCARNG, UTES STARC, MOS's -
12B10, 45B20, 76Y30 started out as Cmbt Engr, moved to Arms Rm ( FTTD ), completed service as Supply Sgt ( E-6 ) dual svc Civil Svc/NG kinda strange collected a Fed Check, but wore a Mil uniform for 6 years. Still regret leaving, coulda retired 5 years ago............)
on Mar 04, 2005

Who is that hotchick.jpg? I like her.

Google Images.. the best plagiarism source on the Web!

on Mar 07, 2005
Let's see...
I hit 6 years in June...
I can fail a tape test any time, trust me... as soon as they give me one...
I plan to get out anyway...


(Honestly, just kidding. But I laughed my voluminous ass off when I saw who wasn't you.)