There has never been a better opportunity.
Published on February 24, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

            We are currently watching an in depth report from some media outfit (Frontline it turns out) traveling with a 1st Cav unit in Baghdad. It is a great show and shows the good points of the unit and it’s operation along with the warts. Good reporting, good editing, and great footage.

            We travel along with the unit as thy conduct foot and mounted patrol, coron and knock, and checkpoint operations. Sweet shit.

            At any given moment there are dozens of camera crews filming operations in Iraq. Real combat operations mind you, not bullshit training situations bearing no resemblance to reality. Why don’t the support troops see this footage?

            Every unit should be receiving DVD’s at the very least of unedited combat footage for use as training aids. The Army loves to talk the talk about realistic training but in reality it falls ridiculously short of this goal. Here is your chance to correct it oh Perfumed Princes. Do not let the blood of these soldiers be in vain. Allow the troops to see what a professional door kicker does and how he does it.

Site Meter
on Feb 24, 2005

Hell yes!  That's my opinion.

Hell yeah!  That's Lonesome's opinion.

Just our 2 cent's worth.

on Feb 24, 2005
Just our 2 cent's worth.
much appreciated.
on Feb 24, 2005
"Allow the troops to see what a professional door kicker does and how he does it."
Are you serious?
on Feb 24, 2005
Are you serious?

ummm yes... is this a difficult idea for you? If so, why? Reiki you are racking up a serious log of very wobbly comments here. Are you being intentionally vague? Seriously, I don't get you at all.
on Feb 24, 2005
Greywar, if you guys all have internet access (hopefully high-speed) check out for some combat footage.

And if I may ask a question, what are your opinions on the 5.56x45 caliber weapons you are issued? I've fired it before the AR-15, and I would much rather have a 7.62x51 weapon, like my AR-10.

Keep in mind that I'm not in the military and never have been.
on Feb 24, 2005
Why not, EMT classes are repleat with full color glossy photos of all sorts of examples of the things we humans seem bent on doign to ourselves and each other. Firefighters, Search & Rescue trainees, Nurses, Doctors and other students of Personal Tragedy, Disaster, War, and Other Things that Just Plain Suck are also treated to a sneak peak of things to come.

Heck, the "Airborne Hymn" is called "Blood Upon The Risers" Link, and they play that in jump school all the time!!!

What I find objectionable is, with all those reporters following you guys around, what reports will filter through to those who are forced to rely on reporters for information about Iraq? From what I hear, read and see, if it ain't about the death of troops, troops abusing prisoners, or other ways to paint you guys as villains, we're on our own to find it.

Of course, as you point out, the "warts" are news too, but it's sad when I have to go to to see the same briefings given to the press, but since they include positive accomplishments about you guys (apparently to the press), it ain't fit to print.

Come back alive, so you can take your ideas for realistic training and make them happen!!!
on Feb 24, 2005

what are your opinions on the 5.56x45 caliber weapons you are issued?

My only beef regarding ammo was the retirement of the M60 machine gun long long long before the replacement M24 was produced in enough quantity to swap out with. Most support units are still limping along with that little bitty SAW.