More than that Pilates class anyways?
Published on February 20, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

            1 week in school = 1 point, but 1 week in Kuwait or Iraq = Zilch.ParaTed2k in the comment section of this article by Hyperborean Wanderer. (see Wanderer? thats how links work (they teach that in college I think))

          I have never seen this problem stated so baldly or so well. Col Hackworth often rages against the “Perfumed Princes” who have come to rule the Amy and the above equation is the root cause.

          The Army has exactly no measures in place to reward those who have served I combat with promotions, instructor positions (who better?), or positions of increased responsibility. Meanwhile during the same period of time that a combat vet spent in theatre some desk riding pogue (like me) takes the time to finish of his bachelors in underwater basket weaving, is promoted, and seen as a “self-starter” by the equally pogueish command structure as a result.

          Want to help unfuck the Army? Write to your Senator or Representative about this. Your life may well depend on it.

 Site Meter

on Feb 22, 2005
Shit heel.

You know, I was hoping you would really write something insightful on this topic, that you could illustrate with your experience, instead you regurgitate the works of others.

as for my college education, or lack thereof, I thought we had this conversation. Why don't you tell us about your college education, there, Grey?