Get the fuck out of my TOC!
Published on February 19, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

     Here in the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) we have 3 huge plasma screens showing various intelligence products at any given time. We track aircraft flying live collection missions. We are actually doing work for most of the day. Tere are 3 radios that we are required to respond to 24 hours a day. Ignoring all this is LTC Hajj sitting here watching a DVD on one of our other TV at ear bleeding volume. He has his own TV in his own private room. Does he use it? Nope. The man is so pathetic and lonely that he comes in here almost every night so he can have a captive audience while he watches some retarded fucking movie. So now weget to try and concentrate on work while he is blasting 100Db of The Anchorman.

Fucking Parasitic Retards.

(Yeah I am a little angry today) 


Site Meter
on Feb 19, 2005
Hey, Know how you feel. Although the TOC I worked in never had flatscreens tv's. I was a E-4 and my MOS was FDC and I worked in a Battalion FDC. You know that these people exist everywhere in life. Not just in the army. But hey I feel for you. But your in the army. Suck it up and drive on. As I was told so many times when I was in the army. I know your
doing a great job so just keep it up. Additionly, kill as many terrorist as you can. I want all of them dead. Not arrested or put in jail. But dead, the only good
terrorist is a dead one.

on Feb 19, 2005
At least you didnt lock yourself out of your house today........
on Feb 19, 2005

At least you didnt lock yourself out of your house today........

I did that once... man it sucked...

on Feb 19, 2005
It did suck. A lot. The story behind my little mishap is this:
Man who works for the property mangement comes to get "for Rent" sign. Tenant (me) gets sign for man. Absentminded tenant (me again) forgets to unlock the bottom lock when exiting the door to give sign to man. TO make a long story short the guy was really nice and took me to the rental office to get the extra key but the people at the office gave me the wrong key. So, I went to a neighbor's house to call a locksmith. $40 to unlock my car (cause they couldnt unlock my house). Me and the whole key thing have never gotten along very well. I dont know if you had ever heard the story but I locked myself out of my car twice when I was pregnant. Once with the car running. Ex-asshole was really mad at me and SGT Knuckles got quite a chuckle out of it as well.
on Feb 21, 2005
You just keep the green light going on memory lane for me, don't you Greywar!

I was commo for the 1st COSCOM TOC (Asslt CP) while I was in Northern Saudi Arabia (Log Base Charlie), and Iraq (Log Base Romeo). There were only 2 of us commo types on the whole Asslt CP. Me and SGT Wilson split the day up into two 12 hour shifts, he took day shift and I had the overnight "SCUD watch" shift.. Those with shiney stuff on their collars decided that it was a waste to have a commo type hanging around the TOC all the time, so they said they could run the 5 nets (of which we were Net Control for 2 of them), and turned us back over to SGM Hawley. Doing details all day wasn't too bad, it was great actually working with the guys again anyway. That (you probably guessed) lasted all of 2 days. The officers in the TOC missed a few flash messages (1 from a LRS team in northern iraq over the TACSAT), and quicker than you can say, "never trust an LT with a radio", we were back on 12 on 12 off, 7 days a week. And when we weren't dogding SCUDS... life was good again. ;~D