Well polls closed here a bit ago and reports are hovering at around 72% voter turnout with 22 casualties today in the course of voting (which is about a normal day in Iraq). Looks like the assclowns who wailed and screamed that we should delay the election because the Iraqis would be too scared to vote are once again wrong. Of course that may have something to do with the fact that their arguments were not based in fact but rather in a deep seated desire to se the Iraq experiment go horribly awry. It must be hard to go through life with no better a moral compass than "I hate Bush!" eh?

     Elecions are invalid? With 72% participating? Take the blinders off libs.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 30, 2005

Take that Teddy!  I haven't commented on anything political for a while.  Ted had me pissed off with the timing of his speech about how we just can't win over there.  He may have only intended to do damage to what Bush is trying to do but only assclowns like him are blind enough to not see how important success in Iraq is to the World not just for the US.


on Jan 30, 2005
OK, I read this outloud to K, (excluding the "assclown" of course) and what did she focus on? The 22 casualites. An average day? On her own accord, she did the math and came up with 8030 dead a year. She was appalled.

I did NOT offer my own slant to this, as I try to never slant anything that she learns.

Just thought you'd be interested to hear her reaction and what she thought was important about what you write.
on Jan 30, 2005
Only the most mindless partisans could see that absolute miraculous outcome in Iraq today and see anything but reason to celebrate!!

Iraq has voted, the threats by the opposition netted less that 50 deaths (not that those deaths are not sad, but it was hardly the bloodbath we expected). You would have more info on this, but the reports I'm hearing tell of "dancing in the streets"!!!

While it is true that this election will not automatically bring peace, it is a day to celebrate!!! There is no peace without freedom, nor is there freedom unless those who hope for it are willing to put it all on the line for it. Well, the Iraqis apparently voted with their feet, their heart and some, there all. What more could we ask?

Thank you Grey War, Hyperborean Wanderer, and all the other troops from all the coalition nations for making it possible. Thank you to all the Iraqis for following through when they had the chance!!!
on Jan 30, 2005

OK, I read this outloud to K, (excluding the "assclown" of course) and what did she focus on? The 22 casualites. An average day? On her own accord, she did the math and came up with 8030 dead a year. She was appalled.

Beatst he murder rate in the USA.

on Jan 30, 2005
Greywar, I dont think the Libs are going to show their face on this blog!  Too much egg on it!
on Jan 30, 2005
Beatst he murder rate in the USA.

oh, I'll make sure to tell her that. I'm sure that'll make her feel better....
on Jan 30, 2005
This from the NYT, of all newspapers:

"But if the insurgents wanted to stop people in Baghdad from voting, they failed. If they wanted to cause chaos, they failed. The voters were completely defiant, and there was a feeling that the people of Baghdad, showing a new, positive attitude, had turned a corner.

"No one was claiming that the insurgency was over or that the deadly attacks would end. But the atmosphere in this usually grim capital, a city at war and an ethnic microcosm of the country, had changed, with people dressed in their finest clothes to go to the polls in what was generally a convivial mood." Link

I'm too glad to split hairs about the turnout percent and the number of casualties. Overall, this is great news.


on Jan 30, 2005
Even tho a suicide bomber killed two at a polling place, the Iraqis didn’t flee; they stood in line to vote.

Even tho the polls have closed, Iraqis still stood in line to vote, and they will vote.

Democracy is a disease,

And the Iraqi people have been infected.
on Jan 30, 2005

Democracy is a disease,

And the Iraqi people have been infected.

A very apt way of putting it!

on Jan 30, 2005
On a side note.. the democratic party wants a re-count of the Iraqi election,,, allagation of voter fraud abound..A hue and cry is going up that the iraqi terrorist are being denied their RIGHT TO VOTE...

ps this ain't true ... but one wonders...
on Jan 30, 2005
It appears that they caught Al-Zarqawi standing in line waiting to vote.

ps this ain't true.....but God I wished
on Jan 30, 2005

It appears that they caught Al-Zarqawi standing in line waiting to vote.

On a side note.. the democratic party wants a re-count of the Iraqi election,,, allagation of voter fraud abound..A hue and cry is going up that the iraqi terrorist are being denied their RIGHT TO VOTE...

Nananananana.....I am not listening to the next statements.  I am going to believe these are true!

Ok, my dream is over.  But it was a nice one!

on Jan 30, 2005
I've never been much of a fan of Geraldo Rivera - he's always struck me as an egotistical grandstander, historically rather liberal/left in his views - but over the past 2 years he's gradually grown on me. His reporting today was remarkable - how he's come to an understanding of the transforming power of freedom is a remarkable thing, and his blunt condemnation of the insurgents was refreshing. He gets it.

Great day for Iraq.

on Jan 30, 2005
28 casualties as an updated stat now... While of course this *is* an apalling number I would appreciate it if you ran 300,000 deaths as a number by K as a context for what it was like before we went in. That is a rough estimate of Kurds, Chaldeans, and Manicheans slaughtered by Saddam Hussein. I think K is smart enough to handle the whole truth of the matter. She certainly picked up on how bad things are now, but she should know that it is a shocking improvement. Additionally I think it would be instructive to ask her how important it must have been to the Iraqi people to vote if they would risk even death to do so. A pretty solid object lesson in civics.
on Jan 30, 2005
I'll read your rebuttal to her.

The thing I took from her reaction was to never trivialize the dead.
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