Still stuck in Kuwait
Published on January 20, 2005 By greywar In Current Events

     First off thanks to everyone who showed up at the Company to see me off. I didn't expect it and it meant a lot. Also let me thank everyone here at JU here for their kind words of support and Chiprj for his recent article.

     Well as the subtitle so subtly implies I am not yet in Iraq. Timeline? Ok lets...


1100 : Since roll call for the flight was not until 1330 I decided to take a shower over at the gym where the ratio of air to airborne fecal particles is significantly higher than it is at the shower trailers. After returning from this lovely lukewarm experience I see a small gathering of soldiers and contractors outside the Space A terminal where they do rollcall. My battle buddy informs me that they had a "pop-up" flight and that inthe 20 minutes I was gone to shower I missed roll call. Shit.

1330 : Roll call for the second flight proceeds apace and by now I am an old hand at this so it takes very little of my time or attention to be up and running. Another trip through paralell dimensions where time runs a little differently so it takes 2.5 hours to get to the airfield which is 30 mins away.

1600 : Arrive at the airfield. Commandeer 5 soldiers (who have also already been through this) to palletize the bags and politely tell the rest of them to get the fuck out of the way as they are just slowing us down.

1700 : Supposed to be our gate time. Nothing happening though. Naturally the *fine* folks running the PAX terminal have no info as to why not.

1800 : Out of nowhere we are loaded into the second passenger lounge to wait some more.

1830 : Board the C-130 and get strapped. Check with crew chief to make sure we are going to the right fucking place this time? Check.

1900 : All run-ups complete and we taxi out onto the runway. I am familiar with take off procedures from my time in ARL and I am a bit puzzled by the sounds I am hearing. Seems liek the pilots are shutting down some engines and running them back up repeatedly even though we have left the apron... Hmmm...

1910 : Engine number 3 has a problem. Fuck!

1930 : Unload and trek back to the PAX terminal. Are told that the part needed to fix Engine 3 is 3 hours away at least. We wait it out.

2245 : True to their word Enigine 3 is fixed! Yay!

2300 : Back to lounge number 2 for preboarding. Not 3 minutes after this our chalk commander (a Command Sergeant Major this time around) comes in and tells us that we have been bumped off the flight by a HMMWV.

2400 : Finally get the bus and bags squared away again and are ready to head back to CP Gypsy. Once again I am the "shooter"

0200 : Back at Space A. Chow hall just closed. I have 30 rounds and am eyeing the crowd (well actually just the idiots who run the Space A terminal) but decide to let them all live for one more day.

0500 : No flights to my city yet. I start to speak in tongues at the guy behind the desk. I don't think this gained me any ground.

0900 (now) : At the PX area at the cybe cafe drinking a Starbucks coffee. Thats right Starbucks. It makes me laugh everytime I go anywhere here because no matter how rough hewn the base is they always have something totally urbane and incongruous like a Subway shop, Pizza Hut, Dunkin Donuts, or a Starbucks. Hell they might just as well sell sponsorships like the Olympics!

"Today on Sports Center we bring you live coverage of Operation Iraqi Freedom! Brought to by Pepsi the official drink of the 82nd Airborne 'The choice of the Jumpin' Junkies!' and by Camelbak 'because the Army is too stupid to come up with good gear on it's own!' and by your local Ford dealer 'Selling you overpriced vehicles at an interest rate tantamount to usury because we know you have shitty credit!' " 


Not that I mind actually. "You smell that? That nutty, beany, ground up smell? I love the smell of expensive Kona raost in the morning! Smells like... Victory!" (apologies to Stanley Kubrick and Robert Duvall) *edit thanks to Wanderer... I just associate that movie so strongly with R. Lee Ermey that my mind likes to think he played all the roles!

*Edit again! Ok, So I don't know shit about movies:) Thanks much to Wanderer and E. Music for pointing that out!

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on Jan 20, 2005
Your posts make me laugh because of your great humor. It is sad because of the frustration you must feel. Thanks for these wonderful updates.

Here is what one of my friends (A native Hawaiian now living in CA wrote about your last blog):
"Interesting and funny. Save the stuff and maybe one day write a book. A lot of it sounds familiar as when I went to Vietnam. Incoming troop handling units just have too much going on and its mostly chaos until you get to your unit. The Marines did things a lot differently 'in country'. Maybe because of the size, but when we had to rely on the other services for transportation, lodging, etc., the differences between the services stand out and can cause a lot of confusion. Moving entire units around is easier. The chaos happens when there are individuals and groups that belong to or going to/from different units and services. Just pass on the old saying: "keep your powder dry, a good "pucker factor" and have shit paper handy!"
Aloha, Len"
on Jan 20, 2005
Another great Army day for you! Hooah! I truly hope things smooth out once you get to where you're going. Take care!
on Jan 20, 2005
Robert Duvall, dude.
I just hope you have someone waiting for you at the other end, who can get you to where you need to be. Good luck
on Jan 20, 2005
Here is another response I received from your cousin (Gene's daughter Pat) who lives in FL and who was in the Marines some years ago. I really liked the part where she (not erroneously) attributes your smarts as coming from me.

"Thanks for the updates on/from Michael. I'm telling you that boy has such an incredible sense of humor. I know that he got his smarts from you - but isn't is scary at times how clever he can be? Scary.

Let me know his physical address when he has one as I can be an ok correspondent when necessary. I know that his generation may prefer email but nothing beats hearing your name called at mail call and getting something (the others do not have to know that it is just some more crap from his cousin).

I'm praying everyday for him to remain safe. He is precious. pheltis
on Jan 20, 2005
Oh and GW, I will be posting that picture of you before departure. It actually has half your face. That is a warning for all concerned.
on Jan 20, 2005

I will be posting that picture of you before departure. It actually has half your face.

Half an Irishman is still more than 2 Frenchman I suppose...

on Jan 21, 2005
apocalypse now/coppolla
on Jan 23, 2005

Hey now....