Ever had a job that drove you to reach for the brass ring? I have one. The difference is that my brass ring is made of something that even the likes of Michio Kaku are hard pressed to understand much less master. I am not an idiot but I am no Michio Kaku either. Despite the obviousness of such an observation most of me co-workers are in fact convinced that I was born with the ability to see the electomagnetic spectrum and play with it's eddies and currents like a cat knocks about yarn balls. While such an attitude from your peers can be a bit of a life-experience affirmation, (I never even got through 2 semesters of college), it is also terrifying when I realize that in a unit of SIGINT folks I am the most highly (self)trained guy (except our Operating Zetan (2links) and maybe the Bourbon Biker).
Most days I love doing it. Today was another one of those days (sort of). I would love to be able to tell you all about it but it is in point of fact classified up to its geeky little gills. Suffice to say that there were too many brush fires and not enough urine to put all of them out. Lump in on top of this all the additional capabilities I have pushing for from the system (for years), the dozens of great suggestions my soldiers give me every week (all of which normally involve more work at least initially), and the personnel utilization initiatives I am desperately trying to ram through our institutionalized inertia and by the end of the day my brain felt like it had habanero sauce instead of C-S fluid encasing it.
Maybe someday all of this will come to fruition... maybe someday the Army will figure out that they need to start hiring folks who actually know something about signal theory..... maybe monkeys will fly out of my ass 
I live for these days..... (especially with no PT and civilian clothes! w00t!)