Many people took me to task over rasing the issue of the UK's steady march towards Dhimmitude in these articles. Today Mr. Sarfraz Manzoor's piece in the Guardian argues that the real problem is that the UK simply isn't Muslim enough.
Regarding the London bombings by Muslim men :
"the dominant response to the London bombings was confusion over how anyone raised in this country could commit such atrocities...
Whether the danger is religious extremism, drugs or crime, those involved are largely third-generation Muslims who are so integrated into white society that they are emulating its worst characteristics. Integration did not save them, it created them." (emphasis mine - GW)
on Muslim conditioning :
"Instead we were conditioned not to get mad at whites but to get even, by making something of our lives."
A laudable goal but it is far too easy to simply stop before that comma and "get even" through violent means instead.
Yes indeed, the reason that Muslims bomb London is that they themselves are too "white" and not Muslim enough. Fact is that on one level Mr. Manzoor has a point, moderate Muslim's code of ethics would prevent these sorts of things from happening (as would almost any code of ethics).
Mr. Manzoor ignores the utter lack of condemnation from this same group however. It is not enough to simply not commit crimes yourself you see... it is also the responsibilty of social groups to drvie criminals from their ranks, deny them comforts, and bring them to justice. Simply saying, "I'm not rascist." while welcoming white supremacists into your church, applauding their sermons, and giving them material aid through charities doesn't cut the mustard for societal conduct towards rascists and simply not blowing up subways doesn't cut it societally for terrorism.
Mr. Manzoor chhoses to take the easy route by simply asserting that these Muslims aren't part of his group and so they are the responsibility of "whites". this is childish and irresponsible, but all too common. Further, using this as a stalking horse for the further Dhimmitization of the UK is not only disengenous but despicable. Social itnegration is key to promoting peace and furthering Muslim sepratism will only drag the UK farther towards the brink.
While I applaud Mr. Manoor's call for a return to "valuing values" it remains pie-in-the-sky thinking that more isolation will decrease Muslim terror attacks.