Should there be any lingering doubt as to the massive influence wielded by the "Eunuch Nations", President Ahmadinejad of Iran reacted to the august body's latest U.N. "resolution" in the following manner :
"The United Nations, which unanimously passed a resolution imposing sanctions on Iran, have been "dismissed" by Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who calls the resolution a "piece of paper" and also says that its in "the best interest of the West" to have a "nuclear Iran." Ahmadinejad also said the Iran will not stop enriching uranium.
'It is a piece of torn paper ... by which they aim to scare Iranians ... It is in the Westerners' interests to live with a nuclear Iran,' said Ahmadinejad.
Ahmadinejad also goes on to say that anyone who "backs" the U.N. resolution will "soon regret" their acts. He also added that in "February, Iranians will celebrate" the nation becoming a nuclear power."
"From Sunday morning, we will begin activities at Natanz, the site of 3,000-centrifuge machines, and we will drive it with full speed. It will be our immediate response to the resolution," said Ali Larijani, the top nuclear negotiator for Iran."
I do not doubt that President Tom really means what he says. He truly beleives that it is best for the West to live with a nuclear Iran in the same manner that he truly beleives that we should also live under a renewed Islamic Caliphate guided by the return of the Hidden Imam. The U.N. however seems to have difficulty beleiving that yet another dictator has nothing but scorn for their impotent and feminine "organization". The U.N.'s version of consequences from this resolution?
"The U.N. will review the resolution, and Iran's activities in 60 days."
Oh my! A review? That will surely set him back on his heels. Are there people out there who still think the U.N. is anything but a farce that should be disposed of? Honestly, I want to know.
Sources - Wikinews, The Hindu, Wapo
