Twit = Me
Published on April 23, 2004 By greywar In Entertainment
Recently I was asked to give an interview to a Canadian BBS operator so he would have a bit of content for his board

            Recently I was asked to give an interview to a Canadian BBS operator so he would have a bit of content for his board. While it ain’t exactly “Meet the Press” I thought roughly 2 of you might enjoy reading it…. Posted intact with only a few formatting changes…


            Thank you for volunteering to be interviewed by myself in a
new project I've started on this BBS which gives each member a chance to get
to know about other peoples "unusual / out of the ordinary" job!

            Please take your time in answering the questions below. You
may submit all your answers at your own convenience and at that time it will be
reviewed by myself and edited (if need be).

*** Interview Start ***

User - Greywar

Job Title - Electronic Warfare Operator / Korean Linguist [Military]

Q1 - Greywar, so, what exactly is an Electronic Warfare Operator?

A: Without going too much into specifics, Electronics Warfare involves the wartime capture of foreign signals of interest and the jamming of the same. The rest is mainly classified.

Q2 - How long have you been in this field?

A: Almost 13 years

Q3 - How long have you been in the military?

A: Almost 13 years

Q4 - What would you say was the most memorable moment you've had
in your current position / military?

A: The day our troops crossed the border into Iraq ranks very high up there.

Q5 - What's the most frustrating part of your job?
A: It involves tremendous amounts of patience, much like fishing but without beer.

Q6 - What's the most difficult part of your job?
A: My language skills are definitely the hardest to keep any level of expertise with.

Q7 - What's the most enjoyable part of your job?
A: I love the people I work with and I like being able to serve the nation in some fashion


Q8 - If I were to apply to have the same position as you, what 3
tips would you give me to make me a good Electronic Warfare Operator?
A: Take a speed reading course, get an engineering degree, and a history of mental illness seems to help.

Q9 - What's the most unusual part about your job?
A: The secrecy and weird hours.

Q10 - Describe a typical day in your job from start to finish?
A: Ohh that’s a tough one, I am sorry but I gotta hide behind National Defense on that.

Q11 - Here in Canada, someone who first starts out in the military
is called a "grunt" (rookie). What would you call someone first starting out
in the military where you are?
A: Honestly? In my MOS we either call them the "n00bs" or something else suitably obscene and preferably homo-erotic. We are an eccentric and not tremendously mature lot of geeks.

Q12 - When you first started out in the military until now,can you
give me 5out of the ordinary experiences you've had with the military?
A: Flying at night near the DMZ in South Korea, drinking bad Soju with a Scottish guy who taught English in Seoul (I never understood a word he said, not even his name), falling off a 2d story balcony with a 270 lb drunken guy following me down, attending a language school filled with 1800 kids fresh out of high school with no parental supervision for the first time, and working with a former Kurdish rebel (well I suppose he still is one). also many others I just cant talk about.

Q13 - What's the most disgusting experience you've had with the
A: Being vomited on repeatedly (mainly by my soldiers)

Q14 - What's the most traumatic experience you've had with the
A: A decade of watching my closest friends leave the Army and me behind.

Greywar, that's all the questions. You can pick 10 of the 14
that I've asked you (if you want to answer all 14, you can as well but
that's entirely up to you). I recommend trying to be very informative in your
answers as the more information the reader has, the more interesting the read
will be.

If you have any questions, please feel free and send them over
to me.
Thanks for your time, friend.

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"Have you had your fix?"


Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 23, 2004
YOu sound like quite an interesting character to me. I like that you embrace your history of mental illness I try to do the same. It helps when dealing with small children which sounds similar to some of your experiences (the being vomitted on repeatedly comes to mind). Sounds like you lead a pretty interesting life. Thanks for sharing this.
on Apr 23, 2004
Q14 - What's the most traumatic experience you've had with the military?A: A decade of watching my closest friends leave the Army and me behind.

And now, with this newfound "communication / blog" thing, your friends only have to leave the Army behind, and not you! And plus, if you're ever up in Minnesota again you'd damned well better give me a call so I can take you over to Best Buy and renew my kickback account. Or at least treat you to a beer.
on Apr 23, 2004
Jill - Thanks you, but most of my aquaintances would probably replace "interesting character" with "arrogant asshole" or something to that effect. Though they may also smile when they say it.
on Apr 23, 2004
Arquonzo - Well I am keping up my campaign for a triupmant reurn to the land of winter, but I think Jamie may have other plans that don't involve 10 months of sweater wearing. With the added lure of a beer though.... maybe I will work harder on it.
on Apr 23, 2004
This aquaintance would probably replace it with "drunken lout." At least a good portion of the time. Did Biohazard ever post this any where? I haven't found it.
on Apr 23, 2004
It is on the message are on the BSB itself.
on Apr 23, 2004
What happened teh grammer and teh spelling?
on Apr 23, 2004
Arquonzo......let me explain something. It is cold in Minnesota. I hate the cold and do not wish to be a part of it. I have already told my esposo that if he wishes to live in weather which requires 7 layers of clothing 9 months out of year, please be my guest. However comma, if he wants to visit me, he will just have to come and visit me in Arizona which is where I plan to hang up me boots. I went to his "happy place" in the middle of summer (or so I thought) and was freezing. Not my idea of blissful retirement. It gets cold enough in Arizona for me...too cold at times to be honest, and I am sure that my SO would fall in love with the desert just as I have. So keep the bribes of beer coming. Speaking of which, Mr. Sergeanto would be proud of me. I found beer that I like and can drink. Its called Ying Ling. I drank 3....and didnt even get sick.
Jill......Greywar is an arrogant bastard. He is down right narcissistic. I know first hand. But I do have to admit that at the same time I am thinking it, I do have a pretty impressive grin on my face because deep down, it is well earned arrogance. And I do hate you for being so damn intelligent without any kind of effort whatsoever...just remember that ; ) One day.......I, too, will be smart. Just without the "L" trailer.
on Apr 23, 2004
oh yeah....I am no longer a virgin.
on Apr 24, 2004
Welcome to the Dark Side baby..... Sir Peter will be so proud.
on Apr 24, 2004
And minnesota pwns!
on Apr 24, 2004
2 questions....1) Who is SIr Peter?? and what does the above comment mean?
on Apr 24, 2004
I am Sir Peter Maxwell, the most popular man on this site. To find out more about me, click the links.



on Apr 24, 2004
Hah! You got pwned and you didn't even know it. n00b.

(Hint: It's related to "5uxx0r.")
on Apr 24, 2004
what is being pwned? God I feel dumb. See...this is why I never participate in any rerindeer games. I try something new out so I can spend a but more time with my hubby.....and I get ridiculed. Its ok.
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