Now I am not sure how many of you have already seen this reeking example of auto-ambulatory fecal matter that the left calls Jesse MacBeth but for those who have not heard of him let me sum up:
MacBeth claims to have been a U.S. Army Ranger with the 3rd Ranger Bn 75th Ranger Regiment in Fallujah, Iraq for 16 months during the start of the war. Additionally said Ranger claims to have committed war crimes such as the deliberate point blank shooting of a woman and her infant in Fallujah in a video released on the Net.
Wow Huh? Pretty hot stuff for the anti-war-soldiers-are-just-baby-killing-capitalist-pawns crowd eh? Yes it was and the Left jumped (and is still jumping) on this video. Heck the DU was orgasmic about it with up to 8 seperate threads in their "hot" section celebrating it. Of course after the debunking started I found this thread and the conspiracy nut "blame game" even more interesting.
Only problem is that it (like many other bullshit tales about Iraq) is fake.
For the ex-military folks here take this test : Watch the video and pay close attention to the picture of Jesse on the wall (and to Jesse fact-challenged story). See how many glaring errors you can spot. Then compare your results to these findings.
"By my hand" my ass.
Look folks, nutbags like those who support horseshit like this want to take this country from you. Don't let them.
Edit : Anyone who served in the Army that looks at this picture and thinks "Yup, thats a Ranger!" should be beaten with a medium size paddlefish.

-"someday sons and daughters will rise up and fight where we stood still"