Where I learn how the Army runs...
Published on June 19, 2004 By greywar In Personal Relationships

(No apologies for the delay this time, you will just have to take my word for it that I had other things to do.)

     Following my odd bonding session with SSG Calngelo over a hot cup of urine and topped off with a heaping helipn of stress and sleep deprivation, I attempted to throw myself into the yoke as company training NCO. I too over from SGT Moroni who had left the place in a shambles. My office looked as though it had been subject to a Russian treasure search in post-nazi germany. Papers were stuffed anywhere there was a spot for them at them time, cabinets, between books, under the desk, in random drawers, you name it..... In his quest to spend no time in the training room ever SGT Moroni had done irrepairable damage to over a years worth of training. Or so I thought. 1SG Gregarious had some important lessons regarding the Dark Side of the Force to teach me.

     Now I was no innocent regarding the ways of the world by this point. I had previously engaged in minor acts of subterfuge, forgery, and outright administrative lies at more than one or two points in my career already. In short I was a Sith apprentice looking for a Master. 1SG Gregarious had obviously deduced my capacity for moral flexibilty from my exploits in his company and had sought me ought for further instruction. Under his tutelage I discovered the wonders of mass production forgeries in the hours after all others had left the building. Together we "reconstructed" full rosters of classes conducted in the past, qualification scores for rifle ranges attended by "100%" of the company, and APFT scores for those folks he felt did not need to be bothered with the necessity of taking a PT test at the moment. In short we made up fo SGT Moroni's lost time.

     During this time I learned a great many thin about the Army of which I was previously ignorant. I attended BN level training meetings to discover how the Battalion Commander (BC) made her decisions, I prepared the agendas for our own company level trainign meeting to assist the Company Commander (CO) to do the same, I handled the scheduling for everything from schools to PT tests, and most of all I learned when it was important to stick to the letter of the law and when to just "fudge a little".

     As always the things that sticks out in my memory of this time are the "soldiers" I was in charge of. In particular one PVT Airhead. She was one of those *special* soldiers that makes you rethink your choice of careers. Supposedly she was trained as Communication and Radio Specialist but I never saw any evidence of this. Mainly her function in life seemed to be playing the little known and underappreciated game of "Sleeping With Other Peoples Boyfriends or Anything With a Pulse For That Matter" (perhaps the reason this game is underappreciated has to due with it's ridiculously long title?) In any case this girl had few friends, many enemies, an dnumerous behavioural problems. She couldn't seem to make it work on time, (despite the fact that she lived in the barracks which is located roughly 400 yards from her workplace), once she finally arrived at work she was a Sick Call Ranger, and in the rare instances when she was actually back from sickcall to do work she would fuck that up too.

     I recommended this soldier for Article 15 punishment 3 times and recommended that she be thrown out of the Army twice. None of these recommendations did a thing of course because our CO at the time was a complete git. Despite all of this I held her in no particualr emnity. One of the things an NCO learns to do is to hold soldiers responsible for their action professionally while maintaining personal detachment. In short, I did not hate her.

     Unfortunately a few of the female soldiers in Mission Operations Platoon (MOPS) seemd to think that I did in fact hate her. One of these, a PFC Slattern took it upon herself to tell me in private that she had incriminating photos of PVT Airhead engaging in lesbian activities. (for those who don't know.... practicing homosexuals are not allowed to serve in the US Army) I thanked PFC Slattern for her concern over the matter and dismissed her without telling her much of anything. I had zero intention of turning in PVT Airhead for this offense as I never felt that sexual preference should matter in this regad. Additionally I had just been dating a man-hating lesbian named SPC Strappy (there would be a link here to explain this but I have not written that bit yet) for a few months and had zero sympathy for homophobes or other agents of hate. I of course could not tell PFC Slattern any of this as she would be able to turn it against me. Instead I recruited one of her close friends and then roommate PFC Danceclub. Danceclub was a close friend of SPC Strappy (my ex-gf) and also knew from Strappy's reports that I was a "good guy". I explained the situation to Danceclub and let her know that if Slattern thought it was cool to conduct an unathorized investigation of Airhead (you are not allowed to do this even now) that I would feel no qualms engaging in surveillance of Slattern's personal activities as well. (Slattern was underage, a heavy drinker, adulterer, and fraternizer with junior officers). Danceclub of course saw the reasoning behind this and defused Slattern immediately. Among some portions of MOPS platoon this was seen as demonstarting my concern for soldiers and a capacity for even-handedness on my part, judeg it on your own as I was just doing what I was supposed to do at the time (keeping the company operating). Had this sort of thing been allowed to bloom we would have devolved into an Orweillian organization that would never have been able to accomplish a thing due to internal paranoia.

      There were numerous other incidents during my time in the Orderly Room but most of them have faded with he rest of my memory. I tell this tale simply as a sampling of the retarded bullshit admin NCO's across the Army have to spend their time and energy upon. Perhaps Pseudo will have a few more anecdotes to relate from this era in our joint careers.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 19, 2004
For sure, your momma never prepared you for this kind of work. My head is spinning, realizing how you had to wade through a veritable field of moral land mines. You seemed to have survived. The kind of choices that you felt you had to make were probably no different than men of your age have to make in the business world today. Life is not so simple no matter where you live. Good article. Thanks for sharing.
on Jun 19, 2004
Oleteach, Grey is doing much better morally compass-wise than your average civilian businessman. He and I have worked together for quite a while, and I have always been impressed by his even-handedness and laid-backedness. (?) (Also by his ability to drink his own weight in hard liquor) I am proud to be his peer. Army NCOs are required to care for and about their soldiers in a professional capacity, and the good ones end up caring about them personally, too. I worked for a couple of different civilian corporations before joining the Army, and they didn't really care for their employees. There's no requirement to, and if behavior affects the bottom line, you get rid of them. One of the major complaints from young soldiers who find themselves in any kind of serious trouble is that they "don't want anyone in their business." What they may not realize is that if they were out in a civilian job, their problems would only amount to office gossip as their peers and superiors watch them slide deeper into trouble. If they get fired, then problem solved, as far as the company is concerned. The Army requires us to keep that from happening, if we can.
Once again, though, Grey is dropping the ball when it comes to accurately reporting the history in question, because he hasn't mentioned my pivotal role in the running of the company at the time. As I remember it, it was all about me. So far, I've only gotten an honorable mention.
on Jun 20, 2004
House of Stone, As I have very little knowledge of either the military life nor of the business world, far be it from me to pass judgement on anyone in either of those positions. I have heard it from many sources that Grey takes a very personal interest in well-being of his companion soldiers. That seems typical of him to me. It would be very appropriate to then wish him and all fathers a very happy day today. We need good fathers in this hurting world of ours. Happy Father's Day, Grey.
on Jun 20, 2004
Well, he has likened himself as a somewhat-surrogate-father-figure to his soldiers in the past. Link Not a terrible comparison, actually...
As far as the revolving of the world around the one know as Houseofstone, perhaps you could create an actual log-in and blog, and regale us with some of the stories in the way you remember them? I know none of us were around on some of your adventures, and have little to no data to go by for those accounts.
on Jun 20, 2004
You know I hate computers. Well, not so much hate them as I mistrust their motives. Gotta go tune my tinfoil hat.
on Jun 20, 2004
And Pseudo, he's not so much a surrogate father figure as the winner of the "Who's your Daddy?!?" shouting matches.
on Jun 20, 2004
Apparently, I was out of the loop for my first year or so at work cause yeah...I dont remember any of this. And so...I got PVT Airhead....I dont however know who PFC Slattern is or how she even got that name from you. Well....ok ....so maybe now that I have my super duper intel thinking cap on...I think I do know who it is. Ahhh.....what a whore what a whore. But I digress.
You know, houseofstoney, you should break down and get a logon. It tkaes two seconds. Of course, I do not relate any of my stories because, unlike my better half, I am not a magnet for interesting stories like falling out of balconies and have never gotten the privilege of drinking with the "evil PSG" by the TMET. Ahhh......alas....the realization has just set in.....not only am I a fat loser, but I am uninteresting as well. Some would call me......goody goody?
on Jun 20, 2004
And about being a father figure.....yes. I admit it. Its true. I often think that you are a great father figure to people....and a good father and would make a good father again (hint)
on Jun 20, 2004
See, HoS, that comment about the shouting matches would have gotten you an "Insightful" point from me, had you a log-on of your own. I feel less of a man that I hadn't said something similar.
I still win at the "Penis" game, tho. (Yes, that's a reference to the "shouting match" comment.)
on Jun 20, 2004

and a good father

To qualify for that I would first have to be somewhere within 3 or 4 states of my child I think... I appreciate the sentiment though

on Jun 20, 2004
Hey Lass, your first year in the unit was spent getting ready to have a baby, and I'm told that pregnancy can affect memory, so maybe that's why you have no good stories in mind. I of course remember having to chew you out for jumping on and off the 5 ton during Big Giant Police-Call, otherwise known as post clean-up. Despite your delicate condition, you insisted on working harder than most of the other privates. I also recall you jumping off the back of another truck shortly after giving birth. This time you landed on SGT Knuckles and twisted your ankle, and proceeded to swear an impressive blue streak. The shocked silence of the group in the SCIF yard was testimony to your effective use of invective. Most of my other fond memories of you involve tales from Dirtwater, and you exclaiming that your head was a ball magnet. You know, during dodge-ball.
Pseudo, you're going to have to explain the "Penis" game to me, because I don't recall ever playing that one. This particular homo-eroticism is a little too vague for me. I appreciate the vote of confidence and the invitation to blog, but for now I think I'll stick with being a voyeur. After reading some of the stuff you and Grey and Lass have posted, I feel a little informationally, and educationally inadequate. It's easier to sit at the back of the class and make smart-ass remarks.
Grey, You realize that now you are married again, you might as well just give her what she wants, 'cuz if mama aint happy, aint nobody happy.
on Jun 21, 2004
Are you sure you are not "fudging this story "a bit"?
on Jun 21, 2004
I'm new around here, and was cruisin' through the top blogs.

I wonder how PFC Slattern came into possession of the pictures in the first place. Did she hate the other girl that much that she was stalking her?

A guy I know said that if you wanted to get out of the military by claiming to be homosexual that you had to prove it. This can't be true. They don't let you out that easily, do they? Especially in a time of war. I don't know how he knows, though. He's never been in.
on Jun 21, 2004
To qualify for that I would first have to be somewhere within 3 or 4 states of my child I think... I appreciate the sentiment though

You do what you can, baby, and thats all you can do.
on Jun 21, 2004
Houseofstone - The Penis game is a simple past-time. It answers the age-old question, "Who can say Penis the loudest in a public place?" In our case, it was the vans... The Chucks would start off, and once I could hear them in my corner, I'd let my smooth baritone blast carry back to the Thirty-Threes. That would shut them up for a bit.

stevendedalus - "Fudging this story?" Have you read the rest of the Charisma series? And you ask the question of this one? I'd think this is more plausible than most of the installments...

fishheads - The ones that I saw in training were supposed to "prove" it, yes. They didn't have to kiss same sex in front of the commander, or anything, but it required a modicum of corroboration. grey could *probably* shed more light on this, if he shows up again. (You're off today, slacker! Start blogging.) He's a top blog for a reason, as well. Many find his writing style entertaining.
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