Marx didn't know shit about medicine.
Published on April 23, 2004 By greywar In Personal Relationships
Marx didn’t know shit about medicine

Marx didn’t know shit about medicine


            So there I was half-naked on a hospital gurney wearing nothing but that ridiculous shift they love to give you. I firmly believe that the reason for this garment is to prevent you from having freedom of movement. I mean who is going to be gallivanting about the hospital scenery with their ass hanging out? Me that’s who! Especially when I am drunk and can’t feel any pain. Fortunately SSG C was there to keep me mainly under control. From his account the conversation went a little like this :


Me : “What the fuck happened?!?!”


Emergency room medic : “Watch your language!”


Me : “Fuck you!”


C :  “You got drunk and fell off a balcony. The nurse says you should lay still because you may have hurt your spine.”


Me : “Is Knuckles ok?”


C :  “Yeah he is over there getting worked on now. What the fuck are you doing I said stay put!”


Me: “I’m fine. What the hell is this? They catheterized me? Take this thing out!”


C : “I am not touching your fucking catheter shitheel. Lay back down!”


Me : “I’ll take it out myself….. (snore)”


Moments later ….


Me : “What the fuck happened?”


(repeat around 20 more times)


            While this was going on they had at some point fitted me and Knuckles while cervical collars to immobilize our necks. The problem being that the pinhead medics switched them around so that I had this *huge* collar in which my head lolled about like a spring topped cat toy and Knuckles was strapped into a collar so tight that he couldn’t even blink without raising the blood pressure in his massive melon like head.

            The doctor working on knuckles decided that he could not be given any medication because he was still drunk and it might be dangerous. This meant that the repair of his nose would be done sans anesthesia. My doctor on the other hand decided that my random blathering on about “What the fuck happened?” Was too annoying to continue so he gave me enough Demerol to kill John Candy.

            As the doctor prepared o repair my friends face he explained to him that the wound would have to be cleaned with Lidocaine first. Lidocaine as some of you may know burns like cayenne pepper when applied directly into a wound and is normally used with a nit of local anesthesia. Not here me buckos! The squirted that wound right up causing Knuckles no small quantity of discomfort especially when it started to seep right into his eyeball. This brought about some serious invective directed mainly at the lady irrigating the wound. When SSG C head this he immediately went and tried to calm Knuckles down. This simply prompted Knuckles to start cursing in Arabic which made little difference since the lady herself was an Arab. SSG C cautioned Knuckles to shut up because the lady seemed to understand him in either language. A true red-blooded male to the core Knuckles only response was the inquire, “I can’t see much, is she hot?”

            It was time to stitch up the wound now and Knuckles supply of bravery waned a bit. He told SSG C that he was very afraid of needles and asked if SSG C would hold his hand while they stitched it. SSG C stuffed down the amusement of being asked to hold the hand of this bearlike man and held his hand as asked. After the procedure was finished Knuckles solemnly asked SSG C to never tell anyone he was scared. There was no way he was keeping that tale secret though (male bonding being what it is).

            Throughout this entire ordeal, there was never an X-ray taken of knuckles whatsoever. They did not even X-ray me until the next day! By this time Knuckles had been by to see me and told me that they were releasing him that same day to go home. I was still pretty out of it from the heavy dug cocktail that Doctor Feelgood was continuously ordering dripped into my veins so nothing about the conversation seemed odd. The next day however Knuckles called me to see how I was doing and I noticed that I could barely hear his voice and that his words were slurred. I asked if it was the meds that he was taking. He explained that he had been given no meds and that the reason his speech was all distorted was that it hurt to open his mouth ans that his front teeth were chipped. I told him he needed to go to the dentist and get that shit fixed before they got infected.

            When he arrived at the dentist they asked what had happened and were appalled that there was no X-ray already done on him. As soon as the film came out it was apparent that his entire upper maxillary plate was free floating and had broken in several places. A specialist plastic surgeon was finally called in and he did a whiz bang job of peeling off Knuckles face, screwing his skull back together with metal plates and then sewing his face back on leaving only the tiniest of scars across the bridge of his nose. In fact he did such a good job that Knuckles looked better after the surgery than he did before! The doctor roundly lambasted the physician who had “cared” for Knuckles at the ER and told him that if he was a civilian it would have been an open and shut case of malpractice. Unfortunately for Knuckles he was not a civilian.

            There were no repercussions for the doctor in question, no procedure changes made to address the totally different levels of care he and I received, and no inquiry made as to why I was given draconian pain control and he was given none. Frankly I have decided to blame Muggaz.

on Apr 23, 2004
Don't tell me you've lost your faith in socialized medicine!! Sounds like the Plastic Surgeon was a winner though. And even though I never met Knuckles, I do remember the conversation where consensus was reached that he did, in fact, look better after the ordeal than before.
Hey... I'm the first comment this time. Perhaps that's because I had to get up so FREAKING early on my day off just to make sure my projects go through so that I DO, in fact, get a day off. Ugh.

Good story, Greywar. Keep it up!
on Apr 23, 2004
Ah, the well oiled machine that is the military medical system. I read somewhere that most military doctors graduate in the bottom 15% of their class...somewhat believable, I've met some real winners in my time around military health care. One dude told me there was nothing wrong with me, even though I had stones in my gallbaldder...I ended up in the civilian OR 3 days later as an emergency case because it almost ruptured.

Another great episode....
on Apr 23, 2004
When I attended the Defense Language Institute, the care at the clinic was so abominable that the clinic was not allowed have a preganant female anywhere on the premises. If you were pregnant and got sick you had to go all the way over to Ft. Ord for care. Eventually the civilian contract docs we had there lost thei contract and replaced with military doctors who were much better. The civilians we were employing had graduated from med school in Guatemala and then been certified by some mill in the USA. Feh.
on Apr 23, 2004
And even then, Ft Ord was shutting down so they'd send you out to a civilian clinic for pre-natal then a posh civilian hospital to deliver. That's not a bad deal.

According to some, my brother's autism is directly related to the military care he received as an infant. What do you do? You can't sue and no one is ever held accountable.
on Apr 23, 2004
No, unfortunately, you can't sue.

We're lucky, I've personally only ever come across one military physician who was that incompetent (the one who said I was faking being ill). I have heard horror stories tho (yours just got added to the growing list) of military physicians who screwed up hugely. For example: a kid in my husband's squadron (and I mean a kid, he was 21) went to sick call one day because his neck was swollen and painful. The doc told him he didn't know what was wrong with him; to go home, take some motrin and it would go away. 2 weeks later when the kid's neck AND face were so swollen he could hardly breathe and he was in excruciating pain he went back, saw a different doc, got sent downtown immediately to a cardiologist, and was hospitalized the same day. He never left the hospital. He had cardiac carcinoma, and by the time it was diagnosed it was inoperable. Had it been investigated and appropriate action taken when he first went in he might still be alive today.
My husband has high blood pressure; when they first diagnosed him he had to go in ever day for 5 days for a BP check. One time they let him walk out of the clinic with a BP of 197/150. People have had strokes and died with lower BP's than that, but they let him stroll out of there like it was nothing.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox now. I love the military life, but the medical care...yeah, it can suck.
on Apr 23, 2004
1. My SO says (just about every time the balcony story comes up) that Knuckles looks *MUCH* better after the surgery. Fixed his big honking scnoz right up, it did.
2. There was a soldier in the 104th who had headaches for over a year, but kept getting Motrin for it from the TMC. Dude had cancer and died recently. They had diagnosed him with it with about 2 months left to live (right before his ETS)...
3. My SO was pregnant with our first child (I guess I can just say "my wife" now...), and hit her due date. She asked that they strip her membranes, which they told her was against policy until she was 2 weeks over. Still, they did it anyway. And they did it wrong, tearing a pinhole in the membranes. My son was born with frackin' pneumonia! Thankfully, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit here was staffed much more competently.
4. I've only heard this part of the story twice before, so it's still pretty new to me. Good to hear it again. Keep it up, dude. (And check your email.)
on Apr 26, 2004
I kinda miss that SGT Knuckles guy. Man, did he look about 500% better post-rhinoplasty. I went and visited him in the hospital after the balcony visit (I was going to see Greywar but I didnt know him at all at that time and I am sure he didnt want someone he had never met to come and visit him) and just to elaborate on the goriila-like features this guy had, I walked into his room and if it werent for a human face, I would have thought that they had a silverback gorilla laying in the bed. The amount of hair on this guy was unbelievable. Very nasty.
So, where is the next chapter of this story???
on Apr 26, 2004
walked into his room and if it werent for a human face, I would have thought that they had a silverback gorilla laying in the bed. The amount of hair on this guy was unbelievable. Very nasty.

hahaha! LMMFAO!!!!!
So, where's this dude now?
on Apr 27, 2004
Good question, EL, about the next chapter. Maybe Greywar has forgotten which story comes next.
Dude PCSed to... Campbell? Went to a high-speed unit, IIRC. Good on 'im, it should help out his career. (Wouldn't mind seeing him again some time myself. Not so much for the body hair, tho.)
on Apr 27, 2004
He went on to Ft. Bragg to become a paratrooper. He actually took a picture of himself with his massively bruised face wearing the red beret that SSG C gave him before he went thought so he could send it to his mother and tell her that he had gotten messed up jumping out of planes. He never told her the real story to my knowledge.
on Oct 01, 2004
C : “You got drunk and fell off a balcony. The nurse says you should lay still because you may have hurt your spine.” Me : “Is Knuckles ok?”

This is my favorite part of this post. There is no doubt about where your heart is. Always looking out for others.
on Oct 01, 2004

Always looking out for others.

maybe i was just drunk.