A follow-up to Amitty's article...
A few days ago I posted this bit regarding the start of an email exchange between anti-violent video game zealot Jack Thompson and the creators of Penny Arcade. Well Jack has escalated this by sending a very misleading letter to the Seatle PD trying to have the PA guys arrested (for god knows what).
I have taken the liberty of reproducing the letter PA posted since they are having server issues right now.

This sort of dissent quashing is what Jack and his ilk are all about. They don't give two shits about protecting squat. They just want power.
You can *try* to email Jack with your feelings on this if you like @ jackpeace@comcast.net but his email box is likely to be broken by now.
*Update : I see that this is also the biggest comment getter on Slashdot's front page right now as well.