Well I got my new DCU's back from Jen's Cleaners
today (the Army would grind to a halt without Korean tailor shops) and decided
to finally offer up some pictures of me on my blog before I deployed. Enough
hiding I say! Let the ugly truth be known! So without further ado... me and my
Additionally I am amazed at the high quality bnody
armor that they gave me. The Intercepter OTV... The vest alone will stop up to
9mm rounds...
SSG Geezer was also amazed they had any in size "barrel"...
But when you add these little jobbies to the OTV you get protection up to
7.62mm (AK-47 type rounds)...
This thing is ridiculously comfy (and heavy) to
boot! In reality everything I have been given for deployment is brand new and
top of the line. I couldn't ask for more and I don't. Thanks Secretary Rumsfeld.
*I* have confidence in you and the body armor you have provided.