No, I do not Jest and don't call me Shirley!
Published on October 17, 2004 By greywar In Politics
Just got done watching the preview for Evan Coyne Maloney’s first feature length film : Brainwashing 101

         Just got done watching the preview for Evan Coyne Maloney’s first feature length film : Brainwashing 101. This is how a documentary should be done folks. I can think a few prominent filmmakers who could take some lessons.

         The films basic thesis is that in some (or many) universities across the nation people’s 1st Amendment rights are being denied. This is of course news to no one but what may shock you are which folks are being denied their free speech rights and which other folks are not.

         I am not going to post anything beyond that regarding the content of the film so that those few of you with the time, wherewithal, and moral courage to have a viewpoint challenged can actually make up your own mind. Sometime next week I will post my thoughts on the subject matter after you have had your chance to watch it yourself.

         You can view the movie for free right here. (note I like the simple web page layout here too, 3 formats, simple links, no bull)

         Feel free to post your feeling about the film in the comments section or to write your own blog about it and post a link to that in my comments area. No two page long screeds in my comments thank you very much.


Credit : Brain Terminal

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 18, 2004

(Or maybe it was just one of *those* schools...)

What, porn school?

on Oct 18, 2004
It is not that people don't realize it, it is that there is no right for you not to be offended.

I don't know what you're getting at, but honor a person that instituted the slavery system of Indians is offensive. It's detailed pretty well in James Loewen's "Lies My Teacher Told Me".

Actually the film says this about 3 schools as I recall.

I remember the film saying that most colleges are ran by leftest orgs. From what I've seen in Cali, it's usually Greeks that dominate school politics.
on Oct 19, 2004
Good refering but something needs to take a good look left public k-12 schools are getting. I would say in my education Ive had maybe 2-3 right wing teachers (1 that was too outspoken) and about 8 obvious left wingged teachers (most of which were too outspoken, one of which pretty much picked debates with me at first then later on another right winged kid (because I won a few of them) I hated that teacher.) And the real sad part is that Ive been in public school all my life.
on Oct 19, 2004
I don't know what you're getting at, but honor a person that instituted the slavery system of Indians is offensive. It's detailed pretty well in James Loewen's "Lies My Teacher Told Me".

The point that is trying to be made here RATM4eva isn't that an idea is potentially offensive to you.... because no matter where you reside on the political spectrum, there are going to be ideas which offend any of us... the point is you are not constitutionally or legally protected from ideas that offend you, and if you were... what dark days those would be. And it scares me to think that colleges, which are supposed to be places of debate and differing opinion, where young minds are exposed to a number of different and often conflicting theories are becoming suppressive in what they will allow to be said because people may get offended. Being offended is part of the process of learning....

on Oct 19, 2004

I don't know what you're getting at, but honor a person that instituted the slavery system of Indians is offensive.

Offensive yes, should be illegal to say? No way. Read the bill of rights, it has nothing in it about protect anyone from being offended.

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