I'm Shocked! No Really....
Published on July 14, 2004 By greywar In Politics

The Communist Party of the United States of America has endorsed Kerry and promised :

” The CPUSA supports the John Kerry campaign with donations and volunteer effort. We believe that defeating George Bush is the single most important issue this November ..."


Here are the CPUSA's list of top ten reasons President Bush must be defeated:

1. Bush is destroying workers rights and outsourcing jobs instead of protecting the right to organize and creating new jobs rebuilding schools, bridges, roads and hospitals
2. Bush is privatizing Medicare, Social Security and public education with phony reforms instead of enacting health care for all, protecting retirement funds and full funding for public education through college.
3. Bush is bankrupting the Federal Government with giant tax cuts for the very rich and super-funds to the military instead of securing the budget for human needs by taxing the rich and spending on human needs.
4. Bush is rolling back civil rights gains instead of enforcing and expanding affirmative action to end racism in all areas of life.
5. Bush is curtailing women’s rights and choice by undermining Roe v. Wade instead of upholding the right to choice and ending the gender wage gap.
6. Bush is abusing immigrant workers in low-wage jobs instead of providing a clear path to citizenship and equal rights.
7. Bush is exploiting and ruining the environment by protecting corporate polluters instead of conserving our natural resources for the public good.
8. Bush’s war in Iraq is a disaster for our security and economy. He is pushing for more preemptive wars and for first strike nuclear military policy instead of negotiations and cooperation utilizing the UN.
9. Bush is denying civil liberties and free speech in the name of fighting terrorism instead of repealing the USA Patriot Act and helping cities, towns and states fund firefighters and police.
10. Bush discriminates against Gays and Lesbians with a Constitutional Amendment instead of expanding civil rights and liberties for all.


Fits very nicely with the planks of the Democratic Party right now doesn't it?


Hat Tip for the original article to D.P. Heimbold over at the St. Augustine Record.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 14, 2004
They endorse Kerry for the same reason most people do. They are part of the ABB (Anybody but Bush) group. I don't like John Kerry any more than the next guy, but to get Bush out of office, now that's a dream come true!
on Jul 14, 2004
Did it come as a shock that something far left of the Democrats would support the left? Hmmmm...... Actually, if you read Draginol's post on Bush you might see similarities (especially on the budget and debt) with what the Communists say. Does that mean that Draginol is associated with communists or that communists are actually conservative?
on Jul 14, 2004
enron employees endorsed bush. i'm shocked!


Before the 2000 election, Enron employees pondered the possibilities of a Bush win.

"It'd be great. I'd love to see Ken Lay Secretary of Energy," says one Enron worker.

That didn't happen, but they were sure President Bush would fight any limits on sky-high energy prices.

"When this election comes Bush will f------g whack this s--t, man. He won't play this price-cap b------t."

for every worst 1% you can point to on the left, you can point to a worst 1% on the right.
on Jul 14, 2004

if you read Draginol's post on Bush you might see similarities

that was what prompted the article actually.

on Jul 14, 2004
Thanks guys this interesting!
on Jul 14, 2004
Well with Osama Bin Laden's endorsement and the communist party's endorsement, he's sure to win!
on Jul 14, 2004
Along with all the gag endorsements he received while his website allowed you to do "anonymous" endorsement web pages! lol I would in McCauliffe had anyone slap him over that fiasco?
on Jul 14, 2004
so, they want bush out, only no brains want bush in. besiedes, the kkk endorsed bush in 2000.

did bin laden endorse kerrry? i dont believe that. but i think that a kkk endorsement is worse than a communist endorsement.
on Jul 14, 2004

so, they want bush out, only no brains want bush in.

nice to see a cogent thought there:) I agree that the KKK endorsement sucks big time as well:)

on Jul 14, 2004
I dunno, I don't see much difference between the modern KKK and the NAACP. They are both racial supremist groups.
on Jul 14, 2004

much difference between the modern KKK and the NAACP

one is *slightly* more extreme than the other though.

on Jul 14, 2004
naacp is not racist. they try to get people of color better oppurtunities and stand for rights, but they do need to improve though.
on Jul 14, 2004
" naacp is not racist. they try to get people of color better oppurtunities and stand for rights"

That's the exact same thing that the KKK advertises...

Of course people would say "look at what they do, not what they say". I think if you look at what they do, you'll find the NAACP much more powerful and destructive politically than the KKK has been since the 1920's.
on Jul 14, 2004
I find it hard to believe that the peace-loving Communist Party would support a war criminal for President.


Seems past atrocities against communists have been forgiven?
on Jul 14, 2004

naacp is not racist


so then you would say that the NAAWP is not racist either?


BTW nice to see you are still around Arq.

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