The Washingon Times reports that U.S. athletes have been waned against waving the U.S. flag at the olympics. The thought process here is that since the U.S. is not very popular right now we should avoid making any "jingoistic" statements or show any national pride.
My question is this... Where does it stop? Should we simply rol over and play dead? Perhaps let the french have a few of our cities as an apology for attacking their lovely friend Saddam? Or maybe we should restart the oil-for-kickbacks program so the "international community" can heal the "deep diplomatic wounds" we have incurred with the resumption of easy bribe money?
I hope the team captains have the courage to stand up and wave Old Glory high and wide. Screw the appeasers. If the world can't stand a bit of national pride...too damn bad.
Emperor Darth Misha I also has excellent coverage of this in his own indomitable style here.
I am dying to hear the views of the more left leaning of the JU community. Seriously. I wont flame you or anything.
(well I suppose that is dependant on your behaviour as well)