Remember all the pre-2004/2006 election hype about how the Republicans would be re-instating the draft if they were re-elected? Well we just passed the 2006 elections and sure enough there is a bill being introduced to re-instate the draft... but not by Republicans. This is Charlie Rangel's (D-NY) 3rd attempt to re-instate the draft actually:
From and the AP -
"Rep. Charles Rangel, a fierce opponent of the Iraq war, on Thursday called for a new military draft, saying everyone between 18 and 42 should be asked to share the burden of wartime responsibilities. "
Mr. Rangel is voicing the opions of many of his extreme left-wing supporters with this and I do not fault him for that. The far-left are the prime movers in the Democratic party right now and as such the people they helped elect should probably listen to their constituency.
Unfortunately for Mr. Rangel most of the Democratic party would like to leave this part of their supporters behind and unheard after the served their purposes during the election cycle and even Mr. Rangel himself has a history of using these draft bills as stalking horses for other issues in the past:
"Democratic leadership has shown no interest in bringing the bill to a vote, despite its vocal objections to the 21,500-troop increase announced Wednesday night by President Bush. Even Rangel once voted against the bill." (Even though he co-authored it- GW)
Mr. Rangel also has some very interesting attitudes about U.S. soldiers' level of intelligence and understanding:
"Rangel, chairman of the powerful tax-writing Ways & Means Committee, said he was "so pained" by the president's remarks about the troops, "some of whom may lose their lives or their limbs and not have the slightest clue as to what the president of the United States was talking about." (Ostensibly because soldiers are uneducated morons ala John Kerry's impression - GW)
It just never ends.
