While I often like to pretend that I am physically incapable of strong emotion, it is simply not true. These songs will reduce me to tears while I am stone-cold sober (even more so after a drink or two) :
Toby Keith : American Soldier
Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue
Lee Greenwoood : God Bless the USA
Rush : Tom Saywer (due to the death of a friend)
Alan Jackson : Where were you? (9/11 tribute song)
SSG Barry Sadler: Silver Wings
What songs reduce you to tears? Or what movies? I know the Delta characters in BlackHawk Down make me cry due to a feeling of inadequacy. (note to the Department of the Army: Please raise my RCP to 20 years! I want to *stay*! Hell raise it to 40! I would stay that long too! )