(or) a Pseudosoldier's spousal vision come true...
Published on May 25, 2005 By greywar In Religion

You can buy a college degree online, but prostitution is illegal.

Think of that and then tell me who fucks more people? If you think the latter, try working for the former…

Pot is illegal, liquor isn’t… What’s the fucking difference, really? If you don’t think alcohol is a “gateway drug”, talk to your kids after prom night…

If Christianity is the religion of Jesus, and he cared more about lepers, whores, and outcasts than the rich, “religious”, and well-fed… how come there are still homeless crack heads sucking dick for beer money behind cathedrals?


© 2005 Vince Colangelo All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form not authorized without express written permission from the author. Fair Use excepted.


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on May 25, 2005
"...how come there are still homeless crack heads sucking dick for beer money behind cathedrals?"

I'm guessing it's 'cause the ones who did this in FRONT of the cathedrals are now down at the police station.

On a more serious note, I think it's a mistake to equate Cathedrals with Christianity. While they are certainly a very recognizable symbol of Christianity, a simple web search for inner city missions will reveal many christian organizations whose sole purpose is ministering to the needy, homeless, whoring, hungry, and midget-porn-loving beer-guzzling dick suckers among us.
on May 27, 2005
Don't mention the midgets!
on May 27, 2005
The first rule of fight club is... you don't talk about midgets.

One of the Charlies admitted that they started saying, "Boots... boots... boots...", low and under their breath in the back room. Only three others understood the signifigance.

I found this entry to be much more provocative and coarse. Still, I felt it had less wry comedic "punch." It's an always welcome insight from Vince Colangelo, though.
on May 27, 2005
Don't be so harsh. God loves all fools.
on May 28, 2005
"Boots... boots... boots...", low and under their breath in the back room. Only three others understood the s

If that has anything to do with a particular DLI Commandant, then I understand!
on May 28, 2005
If that has anything to do with a particular DLI Commandant, then I understand!

Survey says.... "BEEEEH!" (or is that "XXX!")

on May 30, 2005
Survey says.... "BEEEEH!"
Well for Koreans it woud be "DENG!" or "X PYO!" (not in skats)
on May 31, 2005
"Boots, boots, boots" is something we don't explain to the n00bs... like SWTC.
on Jun 04, 2005
I cannot say that I miss Colangelo. In fact, I can say that I do not miss him at all.
But that was the funniest thing I have read in a while.
And it totally brought back some funny memories of his ranting.

...boots... ...boots... ...boots...
on Jun 05, 2005
And I was wondering what had happened to you, same old MO. Do you have no fear of dissing the MAN!
on Jun 09, 2005
You can buy a college degree online, but prostitution is illegal.

Maybe if I spent more time focusing on my degree and less time soliciting I would:
1. have a degree
2. have alot more money

School sucks, where the women at?
Get home safe and I'll see you in a couple of weeks.
on Jun 17, 2005

Get home safe and I'll see you in a couple of weeks

See you then.

And I was wondering what had happened to you

Just real busy is all:)