The Answer Man
Published on May 22, 2004 By greywar In Personal Relationships

Apology : Ok so it has been 20 articles since I worked on Deadly Charisma. Sue me. I find that it takes me around 4 times as long to write these pieces as it does to do an "op-ed" or "news" piece so I will likely only have time for them on the weekends. Maybe I will get some done when I am in Maryland and Estrogen Lass is working. With that said…

The Answer Man

     Following the incident with SGT Moroni and The Fall, 1SG Gregarious had apparently decided that he liked my style and that he needed a new training NCO. (Just speculation here but another factor might have been that the Mission Operations Platoon (MOPS) didn’t need me down there disrupting things at this time) He promptly fired SGT Moroni and installed me in his place.

     For those who don’t know, the company training NCO is responsible for publishing the weekly training schedules for the unit, making sure everyone takes a PT test when they are supposed to, keeps track of who is injured, and schedules classes etc…. In other words a job that requires a high level or organization and attention to detail. Anyone who has ever met me knows I have neither of those. I am compulsively disorganized if truth be told. I thrive on chaos and disorder functioning very poorly in highly regimented structures. (This of course begs the question, "Why join the Army then you shitheel?" Maybe I will go into that in another article later… you will just have to wait) Despite all this I resolved to try my best and not disappoint 1SG gregarious whom I held (and still hold) in the highest regard.

Assisting me in this endeavor was the Headquarters Platoon or as I liked to call them… Goof Troop. At the time I came in as training NCO our platoon consisted of :

Pseuodonym                                          Job                                                          My assessment at the time

SPC O’Toole :                                       The Orderly Room clerk.                       Nice Kid just had a weight and PT problem

SSG Mumbles:                                      "Platoon Sergeant"                                Knew him from Korea, more interested in playing

                                                                                                                                 Everquest than in working.

PVT Johnny Roo:                                  Dogsbody                                               Hard worker, never complained, smoked a

                                                                                                                                 lot of weed.

PVT Airhead:                                        Pissing me off.                                       Supposed to be our Commo girl, but

                                                                                                                                wouldn’t know a radio from a toaster if you

                                                                                                                                held a gun to her head.

SPC Criminale:                                   Supply Clerk                                           Would work if he liked you, shady beyond

                                                                                                                               anything I could muster, had a problem

                                                                                                                               staying out of trouble.

SPC Lowkee                                      NBC NCO                                                Held to the theory that if he stayed out of

                                                                                                                               sight and under everyone’s radar he

                                                                                                                               wouldn’t have to work very much.

SSG Farrakhan                                 Not-getting-you-any-                                Complete asshelmet who cried racism every

                                                            Supplies-Sergeant                                   time one of her egregious fuck-ups came to


(note : This list may be incomplete or wrong just like my memory. Pseudosoldier can correct me if he wishes)

     With this cast of characters I settled into my new office (the first one I ever had by the way (man I would die without parentheticals)) and set about "organizing" what was in there. I came to realize that as bad as my sorting and filing skills were that SGT Moroni’s were even worse. Training records were lost or incomplete and everything was just jammed into whatever was handy. All of this really didn’t mean much to me other than a few long days at work though.

     The long days got longer and longer as I came to realize that I was unable to resist the impulse to answer the questions of every person who came into the O room during the course of the day. My schedule eventually settled out to 8 or 9 hours of answering various military (or non) related questions, referring those folks who needed paperwork done to SPC O’Toole, or sending those whose concerns were not appropriate for the O room packing. In between all this I would chat with O’Toole, banter with Calangelo, complete whatever semi-random tasks the 1SG had to get done, and then stay few a few hours after work so I could actually do the training work I had. I was rendered completely unable to concentrate on my own work if there were any other soldiers in the area as their issues always caught my interest. Make no mistake, not only did I not resent these people for taking up my time, I enjoyed it. The entire day was a series of problems to be solved and Jeopardy type question to be answered. It was a very good thing that I had nothing else to do at this time as I was usually spending 13-15 hours a day in the office. If I would have had a wife or girlfriend at the time they would have been quite livid.

     As I was taking this position over the unit was still "in the field". I would stay late every day and wait for the 1SG or whomever to come back in and deal with whatever issues had sprung up during the day (female soldiers coming back from the field due to severe neck and scalp burns they had given themselves with a home-perm kit the day before the field problem and such) and provide liason service from them to the rest of the battalion.

     During one of these late watches SSG Calangelo had come back early in the day for some reason and was waiting for the 1SG to come back that night to give him a ride out to the site. We sat and talked politics and world-views for a long time (I don’t recall the details so don’t bother asking), he seemed exhausted and mentally fatigued from dealing with Military Intelligence soldiers in the field for the first time (he was infantry until recently if you will recall). The conversation became a bit giddy as he slipped into sleep deprivation and when whipped into a froth over some ridiculous bit of crap the current commander, (CPT Toothy), had spouted he found a urinalysis cup in the O room drawer, uncapped it and pissed in it to show his disdain. In the process he also found time to piss on the O room counter (that’s why I never touched it there). It was at this point that I realized that he might not be totally sane and it also marked the point where he became convinced I was a "good guy". How right I was, how right he was I leave to you the gentle reader).

on May 22, 2004
I'd thought you you'd given up on Deadly Charisma. Glad to know you're back at it.
on May 23, 2004
When do the good parts come in? You really do like to hear yourself talk....or watch yourself write in this case. : )
on May 23, 2004
Which good parts do you mean? The self-incriminating parts? Not everyone involved has left the unit or the Army yet...
I think he fears for his life if this managed to get in the wrong hands.
And, yes, he enjoys the sound of his own voice/sight of his own words. But you knew that.
on May 23, 2004
Actually, now that I think about it, I dont think there are any good parts left. Well, none that involve Mr. Narcissism directly anyhow. Of course, I know a lot about him, but not everything. So there might be something left that I dont know about. I just like making fun of him, thats all. And he knows that its all in good fun.....for the most part.
on May 23, 2004

When do the good parts come in? You really do like to hear yourself talk....or watch yourself write in this case. : )

Wow, you are just beating down the ole blog today aren't you baby? Why all the rancor?

on May 23, 2004
Cause I like teasing you. Actually, its just repressed sexual anger. But all will be well in the world of me come Friday, say, about 5ish....
on May 24, 2004
Huh. I was going to say that Farrakhan wasn't there when you took over, but she most definitely was. Have I mentioned I'm very bad at timelining certain things?
Let's see, my favorite quote from her... oh, yes. She's on the phone with her daughter (~15 yr old?) and is discussing her sister (the aunt, who was "watching" the kids and house while we were in the field): "I know she's not laying with no nigger up in my house." So, she left the field and went home. 1SG didn't say anything about it... I think he gave up, and would've just rather not had her around anyway.
Lowkee's theory held up, usually, at least when Mumbles was in charge. I remember him being a bit distraught if you were ever put in charge, as you could actually find his ass to get him to work.
Scariest thing about Airhead: after getting married and popping out twin girls, I once overheard her say how cute one of her kids was "because she has this cute little stoner laugh." *sigh*
on May 24, 2004
I vaguely remember anything that this guy is talking about. I do remember how Farrakhan got out of the field just to "pretty-up" the supply room. I forget how much all of that cost. The only thing I remember about the new and improved sham office was pink walls. Were they pink or is that just my imagination playing tricks on me.
So...funny thing happened this weekend. Well.....ok. It wasnt funny. But it reminded me of your balcony story. Kind of. My friend got jumped atfer the Tactical Dining-In by 3 guys in a 7-11 plarking lot. He says they just jumped him but the people who know him the best (including me) say otherwise. Hes a bit of a smartass. But I think he's going to have to get surgery done on his face as well. He reminds me so much of Andy...I mean SGT Knuckles (well SSG Knuckles now).
on May 24, 2004
I just saw your comment on SSG Mumbles about he would rather play EverCrack than do anything else. Funny. And sad. So very, very sad.
on May 24, 2004
SSG F got into the field late (with her flunky Criminale) because of working on the Supply Room, and I think they missed part of the second week as well. But she didn't even stay the one night out there (IIRC), as she had to go to a Jerry Sprin.... go home to deal with family issues. Hey, that goes back to Greywar's other article about having families and children: she was able to get out of the field problem due to having "family issues" i.e. no one reliable to watch her kids. By regulation, not having a family care plan should get you put out of the military, and not having someone reliable to watch your kids sounds like lack of a FCP to me...
on May 25, 2004
The thing is since the FCP rules are almost never enforced, she would have been able to run to the CSM and say that any repercussions agaist her were due to race. the unit would not have a leg to stand on either. You have to punish everyone equally or shitbags liek her get to slip through the cracks. It is the big downfall of "hooking up" a good soldier. Down the road you will likely be forced to do the dsame for someone else who does not deserve it.
on Jun 19, 2004
Is there anything you can do to fix the columns in this one? It would make it even more useful when you link back to it from one of your other articles. Link
on Oct 01, 2004
AH, the training office. I was the HQ PSG in Hawaii for a while. It can be the most rewarding job and the most agravating job all rolled up into one. Very nice, though, except for that spacing problem...
on Oct 01, 2004

It can be the most rewarding job and the most agravating job all rolled up into one.

I learned a ton, i still have no handle on the formatting thing though...