Today at 0630 we had our standard morning torture session. Our normal NCO was not available to lead the torture so we had a substitute inquisitor. Unfortunately the replacement is a complete moron.
For those of your who may be unfamiliar with the concept of pyramids in exercise they typically follow a pattern something like this:
15 push–ups
15 sit-ups
14 push-ups
14 sit-ups
And so on down to 3 or so reps…
This allows you to alternately work and rest different muscle groups. Makes sense right? Not to this assclown. His version of pyramids goes just like this:
12 push-ups
11 push-ups
10 push-ups
09 push-ups
08 push-ups
And on down to one….for a total of 78
You might ask why not just do 78 push-ups then? You would be right to ask. This guy simply never gave it a synapses worth of consideration. He was simply on mental cruise control. It is simply a shame that cruise is his only setting ever.